On a bonus episode this week, I get to unveil the new look and sound of Design Today which has come after a bigger project of overhauling the Winspear Designs brand and making Designed Today feel a bit more on brand. Over the next couple of months, you’ll see the website make minor updates as well in this effort.

2018 was a big year for Designed Today, and I’m excited to share what is coming next. A big shoutout and thank you to those few who’ve helped along the way including:

  • Nathan Thompson – His brilliance made the Designed Today artwork come to live in the new animation video. Find his work and more by searching @Rubichron on Instagram.
  • Ryan Doss, Cass Koller, Jennifer Mitchell – You three have lifted a heavy burden off my plate and for that I’m indebted to you!

Please Subscribe either on Youtube or on iTunes (podcast) if that’s your thing.

Designed Today brings you insights to help bridge the world of Design & Business. Learn how you can improve your design, branding, marketing, and advertising skills all in one place. In this show, we’ll explore the startup world, flexing the entrepreneurial muscles, from a user experience perspective.